Welcome to the Podcast
The Outdoor Classrooms Podcast with Victoria Hackett is the podcast for teachers and parents and anyone interested in cultivating learning gardens and nature-based curricula. It’s a show that will help you transform your outdoor space will offer “seeds of inspiration” for playful learning outdoors.
Each week, Victoria Hackett and her guests will share tip and actionable strategies that you will need in order to set in motion, manage and grow your Outdoor Classroom. Tune in every week for your “seeds of inspiration”.
Listen on Podlink…

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Our Foundation course gives you a framework for focusing on the right things at the right time within your outdoor teaching practice; enabling you to layer in the key strategies and tactics that will help you grow your Outdoor Classroom.

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- Presenter?
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- Conference Keynote?
- Conference?
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- Onsite Retreat at The Secret Gardens Outdoor Classroom in Beverly, MA?
Interested? Contact me at victoria@outdoor-classrooms.com
FREE Outdoor Classroom Library of Nature Based Children’s Books PDF

Hi I’m Victoria
My garden story started when I was a parent at my child’s elementary school spearheading the transformation of an old desolate courtyard into a children’s Garden & Outdoor Classroom. This process changed my entire philosophy of education and triggered my research into The Four Types of Gardens, the Five Phases of Teaching Outdoors and the benefits of teaching outdoors on child development.
I now inspire teachers and parents to create outdoor classrooms and backyard learning gardens. At Outdoor Classrooms, my mission is to create a community of like-minded educators from all over the world that eagerly support, playfully learn, willingly collaborate while on the journey to reconnect children with nature. .

– Victoria Hackett